Why Momentum Education for Arts Education

Momentum Education


The mission of Momentum Education is to offer opportunities for profound learning for artists and educators that foster expression, engagement, and empathy.

We help artists find their momentum. Whether it is encouragement on the first step, or hand up when they’ve reached a plateau, or providing just enough friction of ideas to ensure a smooth take-off and landing, we’re all about helping artists move forward.

Momentum Stage:

  • Educates, informs, and inspires artists of all ages through educational programs

    • Classes that teach historical context and personal meaning making, in addition to artistic skills

    • Classes and workshops that cultivate skills for creation of theatre, dance, and community

    • Opportunities for artists of various ages and genres to create together

    • Free scripts in our library are FREE for classroom use!

    • See our latest workshop and class offerings for artists here

  • Offer resources and trainings to theatre and dance professionals in our community and across the country to grow as responsible creators and educators. We provide resources for teachers of dance and drama to help trauma-inform and unsettle their curricula.

    • Access our databases to help you unsettle, diversify, and create equity in your classrooms here

    • See our latest workshop and class offerings for educators here

    • See our online course offerings here

    • Request professional development

  • Nurture our community’s appreciation of the performing arts, creativity, and personal artistic growth

    • All proceeds from tuition going directly to paying teachers or panelists for their time and sharing. After they are paid, tuition covers the technological costs associated with running courses and workshops: website, email, Meet, Classroom, etc. Momentum is a social impact organization, not a for-profit company.