The Equitable Performing Arts Classroom

Diversity and Decolonizing Resources for

Drama and Dance Teachers

The equitable Performing arts classroom


How to use the databases: Many of the playwrights and/or choreographers listed here have works other than the one or two we have linked! Please use this information as a “jumping off point”, not as a definitive guide. See the “Notes” column for more resources. Also, many of the links go to Amazon, but we suggest using the information provided to find these books at a bookseller local to you.

This page was created in February 2020 and is updated regularly. Suggestions for inclusion may be sent to .

Join our next Creating Change Conversation or Expansion Pack workshop for artists and educators for deep dives on some of these topics See our Event page for upcoming learning opportunities. .


equity in Theatre

  • #DisruptTexts- a weekly Twitter Chat and a website examining specifically English and Drama texts


Equity in Dance


resources for artists and educators on Gender and sexuality

resources for artists and educators on Disability and Neurodiversity

Thoughts on color-conscious casting & Representation

Can I decolonize my classroom or creative practice?


DEcolonizing is a word for a return to Indigenous practices and land. So, settlers cannot DEcolonize and remain on stolen land. What settlers CAN do is practice unsettled methods of teaching, creating, rehearsing, etc.

“Decolonizing” does not simply mean adding in a text by a person of color. Uncolonizing your classroom is a systematic approach to not only WHAT and WHO you teach, but also HOW you teach AND assess. It means acknowledging the systems of oppression and dominance that exist in our societies, organizations, and classrooms, and working to dismantle them in order to make our world more just and equitable.

To see even more resources on equitable teaching, scroll the dance and theatre-specific resources. Join our next Creating Change Conversation or Expansion Pack workshop for artists and educators! See our Event page for details.


other ARts orgs doing Equity work

ArtEquity- training and resources for equity in the arts, including work for individual artists and boards.

Decolonizing the Music Room- while created for music educators, has a lot of great resources for educators in other fields.

Groundwater Arts- trainings in decolonizing the arts. Highly recommend!

League of Chicago Theatres provides a resource packet to their community, but these are applicable everywhere.

Production on Deck has curated databases of under-represented people in the arts and regularly posts production job openings.

The WholeHearted Actor has created a packet of Mental Health resources, especially for performers in Florida!

For reporting acts that are abusive, inequitable or unsafe as a performer:

Actors' Equity Workplace Safety Resources for Harassment, Bullying, Abuse or other unsafe work environments: 


SAG-AFTRA reporting and resources website


Join our next Creating Change Conversation or Expansion Pack workshop for artists and educators! See our Event page for details.

#HonorNativeLand- from US Dept. of Arts and Culture. Tools for talking about and creating Land Acknowledgements.

Beyond Heroes and Holidays- by James Banks for Teaching for Change

Dismantling Racism- has a section of resources specifically for parents and teachers.

EduColor- an organization working to dismantle systemic racism in education has compiled a list of resources.

Multicultural Classroom Consulting- PD, consulting, and a book

“A Talk to Teachers” from James Baldwin

Talking About Race- Educator’s Tools from the National Museum of African-American History

The Teacher’s Guide to Native Land

Teaching Community: A Pedagogy of Hope by bell hooks: “practical wisdom about what we do and can continue to do to make the classroom a place that is life-sustaining and mind-expanding, a place of liberating mutuality where teacher and student together work in partnership”

Tips for Trauma-Informed Teaching from Resilient Educator


Anti-Racism Resources for White People- a Google Doc compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker, Alyssa Klein in May 2020.

Anti-Racism Starter Kit- by L. Glenise Pike

Aorta (Anti-Oppression Resource and Training Alliance)- free resources and paid trainings available. Momentum Stage incorporates Aorta resources into all Power and Consent trainings.

Black Illustrations- free graphics for your next presentation, website, etc.

EqualityTraining UK- great resources for language on disability and accessibility.

Hidden Bias Test

A collection of Implicit Bias Tools

International Safeguards for Children in Sports- recommended guidelines for protecting children from sexual harm.

Intersectionality Matters Podcast- hosted by Kimberlé Crenshaw, who coined the term “intersectionality”.

Mental Health Issues Among Black Men guide and Mental Health Issues Facing the Black Community guide from Sunshine Behavioral Health

National Sexual Violence Center’s Resource Bank and Courses

Printable Resource Guides and Posters for Sexual Assault from Army of Survivors

The Racial Equity Institute has regular trainings, as well as online resources.

What is Transformative Justice by Mia Mingus

Rachel Cargyle’s UnLearning series on Patreon.

White Supremacy Culture List of Traits from Dismantling Racism.